2017 Cohort
Stories collected through the summer of 2017
The summer of 2017 was a sweet leap of faith. A time to launch with a single question: What if?" That was followed by many other questions. Would we be welcome? Could we create and start learning to co-create? Could we do this in a good way?
Canada 150 North of 60 takes an alternative look at Canada’s sesquicentennial from the perspectives of people who the call North home.
In its first year, the festival drew in nearly 800 people, 70 performers, 30 artisans, 20 Atlin artist, 12 music and art workshops, three stages and two art exhibitions. A larger turnout than any of the festival’s organizers had ever expected. In 2017 an estimated 3000 people rolled into Atlin. For a town of 300 residents, no small feat.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
The Stories
Canada 150 North of 60 takes an alternative look at Canada’s sesquicentennial from the perspectives of people who the call North home.
Atlin Arts and Music Festival 2017
Kanina Holmes
Stories North Founder
Holmes is an associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University. She worked in the Yukon (radio and television) with CBC North. Holmes dreamed up Stories North as a way to get students out of a conventional classroom and to educate emerging journalists about Canada's North, Indigenous history and culture. Stories North is a direct response to Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its calls to action directed at transforming curricula at journalism schools. Connect with her at kanina.holmes@carleton.ca.
Taylor Blewett
Taylor is in her final year of her undergraduate degree at Carleton University, double majoring in journalism and political science. Her studies allow her to use storytelling to bridge the gaps between the lives of Canadian citizens and policy making at federal, provincial or municipal levels. Connect with her by email at taylor.blewett@carleton.ca or @tayblewett on Twitter.
Amy Burlock
Amy is a linguistics student at Carleton University. Stories North is giving Burlock the opportunity to go beyond her written based research and delve into the wide world of journalistic mediums. Burlock hopes to use her background in linguistics to learn about the cultural roots of language among the Yukon’s Indigenous communities and the work being done to preserve these unique languages. Connect with her by email at amyburlock@cmail.carleton.ca.
Brieanna Charlebois
Brieanna is a Master of Journalism student at Carleton University. She is currently working on her Master’s Research Project which focuses on deradicalization. Brieanna has two previous degrees; a Bachelor of Psychology from Ohio University and a Bachelor of Journalism from the Scripps School of Journalism. You can connect with her via email at brieannacharlebois@cmail.carleton.ca.
Amy Cook
Amy is in the final year of her bachelor in journalism and communications at Carleton University. Her journalistic interests have evolved into specialized mediums including radio broadcasting and in-depth reporting. Amy joins Stories North in hopes of bettering her ability to cover journalistic stories involving Indigenous affairs as well as political and gendered issues. Connect with her at AmyCook3@cmail.carleton.ca.
Rachel Dale
Rachel is in her final year of her undergraduate degree at Carleton University, majoring in journalism with a minor in history. Dale joined our team for Stories North out of a belief that this experience will reinforce her love for story telling and open her eyes for future journalistic ambitions. Rachel can be reached by email at racheldale@cmail.carleton.ca.
Petronella Duda
Petra is a soon-to-be graduate of Carleton University’s bachelor of journalism, minoring in French. She is a passionate globetrotter who jumps at every opportunity to learn and explore. When she isn’t busy planning her next adventure, she likes to look at the world through her camera lens. She is excited to develop her skills and strengthen her storytelling abilities through photography and videography while in the Yukon. You can connect with her by email at
Liam Harrap
Liam is a masters Journalism student at Carleton. He spends most of his time outside, although he burns easily and tends to get lost. Good thing Paddington Bear taught him to always keep a sandwich under his cap. Liam went to the Yukon many moons ago and has always wanted to come back. The North gets under the skin and keeps itching until you return. This trip should reduce his weekly spending on Gold Bond. Connect with him by email at liamharrap@cmail.carleton.ca.
Rachel Levy-McLaughlin
Rachel is currently working towards her childhood dream of becoming a journalist. She loves learning, but her favourite subject is people and the amazing stories that they have to share. Contact her via e-mail at rachel.levy.mclaughlin@gmail.com.
Michael Mackinnon
Michael is a fourth year journalism student with a minor in French. He has always had a love for writing and a passion for cooking - hoping to someday combine these two interests into a career. Michael is excited to strengthen his digital story telling skills for future journalism pieces. If you have any recommendations on stories about food give him a shout at michaelamackinnon@cmail.carleton.ca.
Sandrine Murray
Sandrine is a fourth year journalism student at Carleton University whose passion is rooted in history. And if journalism is history's first draft, then all the more reason to be one of its writers. With Stories North, she hopes to see and write about the path of reconciliation with a careful understanding of a historical past marked by pain and loss. Throughout Stories North, Sandrine is looking for the chance to combine history and currency in a comprehensive multimedia piece using a collection of historical images to contrast the ‘then and now’ of Canada’s history and highlight the path it’s taken in reconciliation. Contact Sandrine at sandrinemurray@cmail.carleton.ca.
Sabrina Menis
Sabrina is a master of journalism student at Carleton University, currently working on her Masters Research Project on the effects of river piracy in the Kluane Lake area. Her love of maps, animals, hiking and history falls perfectly within the course experiences designed for Stories North. She writes, she tweets, she travels and she’s deathly afraid of Australia. Connect with her by email at sabrinanemis@gmail.com or @sabrinanemis on Twitter or Instagram.
Brooke Peloquin
Brooke just graduated from Carleton University's Bachelor of Journalism program. She loves videography, digital storytelling, doing yoga and is passionate about anything to do with music. Following her adventures in the Yukon, will be starting up her future career with OPIN Software as their Marketing Coordinator. If you want to get in touch with her, shoot her an email at brookepeloquin@hotmail.com or follow her on twitter @brookepeloquin.
Jasmine Sikand
Jasmine is a journalism student at Carleton University with a passion for story telling. Sikand, who’s most often found in the outdoors, listening to R&B, while doing tarot card readings, is a firm believer that the universe will work itself out and lead her from place to place. She loves sharing and learning about experiences that make us each unique. With a strong passion for photographic storytelling, Stories North will give Sikand the opportunity to develop these skills. Find her on Twitter and Instagram @jasminesikand or message her by email at jasmine.sikand@hotmail.com.
Thamar Spitzer
Thamar is a fourth-year journalism student After making Ottawa her hometown she discovered her love for sharing stories. She’s up North exploring the true Canadian narrative and the diverse relationships Canadians have with one another. Connect with her by email at thamarspitzer@gmail.com.
Sidney Weiss
Sidney is a journalism student at Carleton University who enjoys music, the outdoors and spending time with friends over a cup, or four, of coffee. Sidney brings a love for learning new things about the world and its people to our team for Stories North, always open to learning and to listening. Sidney can be reached by email at sidney.weiss123@hotmail.ca or @sidweisss on Twitter.
Dave Elliott
Dave has worked at Carleton University with the School of Journalism for 12 years as a media producer helping students learn the craft of video storytelling/production with technology. He loves visual storytelling, especially documentaries, travel, the great outdoors and photography. After graduating from Algonquin College in television broadcasting he worked on various government and corporate videos, tv shows, music videos and numerous live events in many different roles; usually behind the scenes. One of his first video shoots was recording an open heart surgery. Dave is contributing his time with Stories North to aid students with all elements of video production and storytelling.
Bronwyn Beairsto
Beairsto is a Masters of Journalism student at Carleton University. She was born and raised in the Yukon with a gaggle of brothers and dogs. History nerd, anthropology buff, long-time lover of the written word. Beairsto loves the absurd in life and in people. This opportunity to welcome and work with newcomers to the Yukon has been a dream. Her current work looks at how we remember the Alaska Highway. Contact her at bronwyn.beairsto@gmail.com or on Twitter @BronwynBeairsto.
Kait Labbate
Kait is the owner of Quay Creative Co., a content creation company focused on helping brands share compelling stories through unique forms of photography, videography and writing. With Stories North, Kait is mentoring students, helping them find their individual styles as videographers and develop their skills in visual storytelling. Kait is also devoting time to a spoken poetry ensemble of Robert Service's Call of the Wild across the North. Contact her at kaitlabbate@gmail.com
Stories North has aspired, from the start, to be a collaboration.
There are some people and organizations that have helped us along on the way to make this work possible. Stories North would like to give a heartfelt shout out to the following:
Yukon College, Communities, Innovation & Development
Education Development Centre, Carleton University
Carleton University’s Future Funder
A very special thank you to all who teach us, host us, share these stories and follow our journey through the North.